An Other Way: 1 on 1

Creative Consultations with KJ Bell.

When I began making my way back to my creative self I did it on my own. I sought out resources and did a ton of work to unblock certain aspects of my life that had kept me from being creative. I would have loved to have someone to help me with that process. That is what I do with AOW: 1 on 1. Here's how it works:

  • An initial "intake" session where we sit down and discuss your creative life. What do you want to do? What stops you? Why haven't you started before now? What do you think would help you? Over this initial session of approximately 30 minutes I will take notes and begin to think of ideas that could help you.
  • Following the initial session we will meet for a determined amount of sessions, where we will work through exercises, ideas, and discussions that I tailor for you. We will work together to help you achieve your creative goals.

Here are the benefits of doing this sort of work with me:

  • An objective ear to bounce your ideas and frustrations off of.
  • I've taught in various capacities for over a decade. I know that no two people learn the same way, and that what worked great for me, might not work for you. I do my best to figure out what will work for you.
  • I will tell you what you need to hear. I'm not going to jerk you around.
  • I never pretend to have all of the answers, but I work to find them.
  • I don't want to be your crutch. We determine how many sessions we'll do and I kick you out of the nest. I want you to soar, not depend on me (although if you need to, you can come back later for a tune up).

So whether you're figuring out how to start your creative life, or want help with an established aspect of your work, sign up for a free intake session. Find out the benefits of going An Other Way.